Sunday, July 24, 2011

Diary 26/5/11

I've started the draft properly - I think it's safe to say my research and planning phases are nearing an end - but I'm still reading On Writing by Stephen King. Although a large portion of the book failed to help me (since I'm quite happy with my style), the sections on motivation, workflow and commercial success really helped me to wade through the thick of planning I'd encountered. My story so far is sitting on an immense mythos and background now, and a few chapters of cynical first person present tense writing (something along the lines of Fight Club or Sin City). I've come to accept that my decisions will culminate in some violence and coarse language - both frequent and substantial - but I continuously remind myself of its necessity to the plot and to avoid gratuitous embellishments. Everything of a graphic nature must serve a purpose, both literally and plot-wise. My other struggle is that inclusive nature of my story - how else can I explore the introspective ventures of the protagonist without ignoring the politics of the plethora of transcendent characters.

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