Sunday, July 24, 2011

Diary 31/5/11

Into first draft. Should have majority of early chapters planned by the time I get back from Melbourne. Considering taking the laptop with me, but it would be a good time to work on refining the synopsis.

As it stands, the plot needs work. I have a setting, characters, and a goal. How the latter is reached is currently undecided. I've broken up the plot into three "acts" which I can edit and submit as individual entities. I plan to have act one finished and edited for exam review.

Currently, the synopsis is as follows:

- Adam (protagonist) spends his last few days at school before the end of term. He returns home to and unsettled domestic environment (largely his fault) and - after a fight with his step-mother - leaves for the neighboring town where his brother Stephen lives.
- On the train, he has an accidental encounter with his guardian Qalhet that changes Qalhet's approach to the prophet situation. He chooses not to kill Adam within the planned time, although Adam is not aware.
- After living with Stephen for a few days, another agent is dispatched (under the guise of a courier) but kills Stephen instead of Adam. Overcome with grief, Adam murders the courier and pursues his brother's soul into the misery.
- He is withdrawn by Qalhet and awakes on the floor of the corridor, drenched in his brother's blood and cradled in the demon's lap.

That is all that has been refined so far.
1. Stephen will be buried and Adam is forbidden from contacting the family.
2. The demon Bakr is sent after Qalhet and Adam.
3. Qalhet and Adam flee Australia and meet another of Qalhet's friends in London.
4. They are intercepted and only Adam escapes, and must continue alone.
5. (Act II)

(Note: Adam cannot travel safely by airplane since there is no means of escape.)

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